Monday 25 July 2011

Life In RAW!

Yes, there is Beauty but often it takes alot of mistakes (& pain) to really see it... a constant right of passage, that see's us either walking the path or blazing a trail... (Personally, I hope to Blaze it!)
Everybody has a story and mine is neither usual or outstanding in any major way, I came from a broken , abusive home, muddled through my 20's (as most of us do) it was until feb 2009 that my world completely fell apart and changed forever.. (Black Saturday fires)
Its weird how in grief you go back to the basics of what makes you tick, for me it was my family (& my closest of friends) music, running and photography... I even started to write a little..
The thing that stuck the most and that gave me so much joy was (and is) Photography... I've alway's appreciated photography and enjoyed it as a hobby but something clicked & the romance began...
So @ 29years old, I decided to pursue it "properly".. I was passionate and inspired, throwing myself into course's, workshops, seminars.. tutorials and books... suitcases of books!
All of a sudden an entire world opened up to me, full of Colorful people, who'd seen so much and who generously wanted to share there experiences and knowledge... (if I had never had hit a Low in my life, this whole experience may have been lost to me.. )
The thing about being down is it keeps you hungry, this drives you, keeping you focused. the second thing is it keeps you honest, when your down, your ego suddenly isnt the most important thing in the room.. This keeps you "Open" to everything around you, I became a Sponge, absorbing as much as my brain could handle.. & almost three years down the line, I try to hold onto these values, I am always learning, evolving and even landing flat on my arse, but I get back up and this is what gives life its bones, our ability to get back up and be better than we were before... if life didnt hurt, would we truely appreciate the "Good times?".. would we appreciate lifes beauty or would we simply be bored?